Return to BDAT index
1 12 Activate Monado
2 127 Unleashes the power of the Monado. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
3 12 Turn Strike
4 127 Attack inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
5 12 Buster
6 127 Increased damage against [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Mechon[/System:Color].
7 12 Enchant
8 127 Allows ordinary weapons to damage Mechon ([ML:icon icon=enh02 ]).
9 12 Shield
10 127 Protects against enemy Talent Arts ([ML:icon icon=enh01 ]).
11 12 Speed
12 127 Increases chance of dodging physical attacks ([ML:icon icon=enh03 ]).
13 12 Purge
14 127 Removes auras ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ]) and inflicts Aura Seal ([ML:icon icon=enh24 ]).
15 12 Eater
16 127 Removes all enemy buffs and inflicts Bleed ([ML:icon icon=enh31 ]).
17 12 Armour
18 127 Reduces physical damage and ether damage ([ML:icon icon=enh04 ]).
19 12 Cyclone
20 127 Topples ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) enemies suffering Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
21 12 Slit Edge
22 127 Attack [System:Color name=arts_sp ]from the side[/System:Color] to lower physical defence ([ML:icon icon=enh25 ]).
23 12 Back Slash
24 127 Attack [System:Color name=arts_sp ]from behind[/System:Color] to deal additional damage.
25 12 Light Heal
26 127 Restores HP to one party member.
27 12 Shaker Edge
28 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on an enemy suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
29 12 Air Slash
30 127 Inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]). [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Side attacks[/System:Color] inflict Slow ([ML:icon icon=enh17 ]).
31 12 Shadow Eye
32 127 Reduces aggro. Improves Physical Arts ([ML:icon icon=enh15 ]).
33 12 Battle Soul
34 127 Halves current HP and fills Talent Gauge.
35 12 Stream Edge
36 127 Inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]) on enemies in front.
37 12 Mad Taunt
38 127 Temporarily increases aggro.
39 12 Hammer Beat
40 127 Attacks and temporarily increases aggro.
41 12 Wild Down
42 127 Topples ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) an enemy suffering Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
43 12 Guard Shift
44 127 Block enemy attacks. Use again to deactivate.
45 12 War Swing
46 127 Fills Talent Gauge when attack connects.
47 12 Sword Drive
48 127 A single high-powered blow.
49 12 Berserker
50 127 Improves attack ([ML:icon icon=enh11 ]) but reduces phys. def. ([ML:icon icon=enh25 ]). ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
51 12 Shield Bash
52 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on an enemy suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
53 12 Engage
54 127 Locks On ([ML:icon icon=enh20 ]) to the target. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
55 12 Last Stand
56 127 Restores HP just before Incapacitation. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
57 12 Rage
58 127 Grants Spike; lowers phys. damage ([ML:icon icon=enh08 ]) and attack. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
59 12 Magnum Charge
60 127 Exchanges the Talent Gauge for Arts damage.
61 12 Bone Upper
62 127 Fills Talent Gauge when attack connects.
63 12 Dive Sobat
64 127 Paralysis ([ML:icon icon=enh18 ]). Lowers agility ([ML:icon icon=enh28 ]) [System:Color name=arts_sp ]after Bone Upper[/System:Color].
65 12 Aura Burst
66 127 Attack inflicts Strength Down debuff ([ML:icon icon=enh27 ]).
67 12 Anchor Chain
68 127 Protects against Knock-Back and Blow-Down. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
69 12 Lariat
70 127 Attacks multiple enemies in front.
71 12 Butterfly Step
72 127 Four-hit combo that deals massive damage.
73 12 Power Smash
74 127 Attack [System:Color name=arts_sp ]from behind[/System:Color] to deal additional damage.
75 12 Screw Edge
76 127 Attack inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
77 12 Hidden Thorn
78 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on an enemy suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
79 12 Lacerate
80 127 Inflicts Bleed ([ML:icon icon=enh31 ]).
81 12 Blossom Dance
82 127 Chance of delivering a combo attack.
83 12 Cutting Petal
84 127 The second hit.
85 12 Twisting Petal
86 127 The third hit.
87 12 Falling Petal
88 127 The fourth hit.
89 12 Gale Slash
90 127 Attack inflicts Bleed ([ML:icon icon=enh31 ]).
91 12 Electric Gutbuster
92 127 Use [System:Color name=arts_sp ]after Gale Slash[/System:Color] to inflict Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
93 12 Peerless
94 127 Grants Str. Up buff ([ML:icon icon=enh11 ]) and removes Confuse ([ML:icon icon=enh21 ]). ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
95 12 Worldly Slash
96 127 Lowers phys. def. ([ML:icon icon=enh25 ]) [System:Color name=arts_sp ]After Gale Slash[/System:Color], lowers str. ([ML:icon icon=enh27 ])
97 12 Battle Eye
98 127 Locks On ([ML:icon icon=enh20 ]) to the target. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
99 12 Steel Strike
100 127 Inflicts Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) on an enemy suffering Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
101 12 Serene Heart
102 127 Increases Accuracy and Evasion. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
103 12 Final Flicker
104 127 Sacrifices HP to fill Talent Gauge.
105 12 Jaws of Death
106 127 Restores HP just before Incapacitation. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
107 12 Tempest Kick
108 127 Use [System:Color name=arts_sp ]after Gale Slash[/System:Color] to remove a buff.
109 12 Heat Haze
110 127 Removes aggro. Critical Hit Rate is 100%. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
111 12 Spirit Breath
112 127 Removes debuffs and grants Haste ([ML:icon icon=enh05 ]). ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
113 12 Soaring Tempest
114 127 Fills Talent Gauge when attack connects.
115 12 Thunder
116 127 If in an Aura ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ]) state, forces Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]).
117 12 Demon Slayer
118 127 As a [System:Color name=arts_sp ]final blow[/System:Color], forces Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) on other enemies.
119 12 Blinding Blossom
120 127 Absorbs aggro from another party member.
121 12 Cool Off
122 127 Cools down an overheated weapon.
123 12 Overdrive
124 127 Overdrive.
125 12 Heal Bullet
126 127 Restores HP to one party member.
127 12 Thunder Bullet
128 127 Two-hit combo. Critical against flying monsters.
129 12 Shield Bullet
130 127 Grants Damage Immunity ([ML:icon icon=enh10 ]) to one party member.
131 12 Cure Bullet
132 127 Grants Debuff Immunity ([ML:icon icon=enh14 ]) to one party member.
133 12 Drive Boost
134 127 Reduces cooldown of Arts. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
135 12 Heal Blast
136 127 Greatly restores one party member's HP.
137 12 Heal Round
138 127 Restores HP to all party members.
139 12 Head Shot
140 127 May inflict Instant Death on [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Dazed [/System:Color]([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) [System:Color name=arts_sp ]enemies[/System:Color].
141 12 Metal Blast
142 127 Attack inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
143 12 Aura Bullet
144 127 Extends duration of an active Aura.
145 12 Heat Bullet
146 127 Raises tension of party members around target.
147 12 Head Shaker
148 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on an enemy suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
149 12 Covert Stance
150 127 Reduces aggro. Actions do not generate aggro. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
151 12 Heal Counter
152 127 Grants Damage Heal ([ML:icon icon=enh07 ]) to one party member.
153 12 Tranquilliser
154 127 Inflicts Sleep ([ML:icon icon=enh38 ]) on one enemy.
155 12 Cure Round
156 127 Grants Debuff Immunity ([ML:icon icon=enh14 ]) to all party members.
157 12 Yoink!
158 127 Steals something from an enemy.
159 12 Happy Happy
160 127 Fills the Party Gauge.
161 12 Bitey Bitey
162 127 Inflicts Bleed ([ML:icon icon=enh31 ]). [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Back attacks[/System:Color] extend duration.
163 12 Sneaky
164 127 Attack [System:Color name=arts_sp ]from behind[/System:Color] to deal more damage.
165 12 Play Dead
166 127 Enemies will not attack. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
167 12 Lurgy
168 127 Inflicts Poison ([ML:icon icon=enh34 ]).
169 12 Hero Time
170 127 Tension Down protection for members in range. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
171 12 Roly-Poly
172 127 Inflicts Bind ([ML:icon icon=enh19 ]); sometimes forces Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) instead.
173 12 Behave
174 127 Inflicts Paralysis ([ML:icon icon=enh18 ]) and removes Crazed.
175 12 Riki is Angry
176 127 Multiplies and returns damage as Spike damage. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
177 12 Bedtime
178 127 Inflicts Sleep ([ML:icon icon=enh38 ]) on Riki and enemies in range.
179 12 You Can Do It
180 127 Restores HP to party members in front of Riki.
181 12 Peekaboo
182 127 [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Attack Mechon from the side[/System:Color] to inflict Confuse ([ML:icon icon=enh21 ]).
183 12 Say Sorry
184 127 Damage increases with enemy debuffs.
185 12 Burninate
186 127 Inflicts Blaze ([ML:icon icon=enh32 ]) on enemies in range.
187 12 Freezinate
188 127 Inflicts Chill ([ML:icon icon=enh33 ]).
189 12 Tantrum
190 127 Attack inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
191 12 Elemental Discharge
192 127 Attack using a summoned Elemental.
193 12 Electric Discharge
194 127 Deals ether damage to one enemy.
195 12 Fire Discharge
196 127 Blaze damage to enemies in range of target.
197 12 Ice Discharge
198 127 Chill damage to enemies in range.
199 12 Wind Discharge
200 127 Ether damage to enemies in range.
201 12 Earth Discharge
202 127 Inflicts Poison on one enemy.
203 12 Water Discharge
204 127 Drains HP from one enemy.
205 12 Summon Bolt
206 127 Electric Elemental. Ether Up ([ML:icon icon=enh13 ]) to nearby allies.
207 12 Summon Flare
208 127 Fire Elemental. Strength Up ([ML:icon icon=enh11 ]) to nearby allies.
209 12 Summon Ice
210 127 Ice Elemental. Ether Protect ([ML:icon icon=enh09 ]) to nearby allies.
211 12 Hypnotise
212 127 Inflicts Sleep ([ML:icon icon=enh38 ]) on one enemy.
213 12 Spear Break
214 127 Knocks the enemy back, inflicting Slow ([ML:icon icon=enh17 ]).
215 12 Shadow Stitch
216 127 Inflicts Bind ([ML:icon icon=enh19 ]) on enemies in range.
217 12 Summon Copy
218 127 Resummons last summoned Elemental.
219 12 Reflection
220 127 Causes attacks to rebound ([ML:icon icon=enh16 ]) onto the enemy.
221 12 Summon Wind
222 127 Wind Elemental. Agility Up ([ML:icon icon=enh12 ]) to nearby allies.
223 12 Summon Earth
224 127 Earth Elemental. Phys. Protect ([ML:icon icon=enh08 ]) to nearby allies.
225 12 Summon Aqua
226 127 Water Elemental. Regenerate ([ML:icon icon=enh06 ]) to nearby allies.
227 12 Healing Gift
228 127 Sacrifices HP to restore a party member's HP.
229 12 Starlight Kick
230 127 Use [System:Color name=arts_sp ]after Spear Break[/System:Color] to Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) the enemy.
231 12 Power Effect
232 127 Enlarges radius of summon buffs. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
233 12 Burst End
234 127 Reduces defence ([ML:icon icon=enh25 ]) of enemies in range.
235 12 Mind Blast
236 127 Inflicts Arts Seal ([ML:icon icon=enh23 ]) and removes Auras.
237 12 Cannon Drones I
238 127 Beam that attacks enemies in a straight line.
239 12 Gun Drones I
240 127 Beams that attack enemies in range.
241 12 Sword Drones I
242 127 A 10-hit combo that hits one enemy.
243 12 Shield Drones I
244 127 Grants Shield ([ML:icon icon=enh01 ]) to Fiora.
245 12 Cannon Drones II
246 127 Beam that attacks enemies in a straight line.
247 12 Gun Drones II
248 127 Beam that attacks enemies in range.
249 12 Sword Drones II
250 127 A 10-hit combo that hits one enemy.
251 12 Shield Drones II
252 127 Grants Debuff Immunity ([ML:icon icon=enh14 ]) to Fiora.
253 12 Sword Drones X
254 127 A 10-hit combo that hits one enemy.
255 12 Double Blade
256 127 Attack [System:Color name=arts_sp ]from behind[/System:Color] to deal more damage.
257 12 Healing Energy
258 127 Removes debuffs and grants Regenerate ([ML:icon icon=enh06 ]). ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
259 12 Spear Blade
260 127 Increased damage to [System:Color name=arts_sp ]enemies suffering Topple[/System:Color] ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
261 12 Cross Impact
262 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on an enemy suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
263 12 Speed Shift
264 127 Grants Haste ([ML:icon icon=enh05 ]) but reduces phys. def. ([ML:icon icon=enh25 ]). ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
265 12 Zero Gravity
266 127 Inflicts Paralysis ([ML:icon icon=enh18 ]). Fill Talent Gauge with [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Topple[/System:Color] ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
267 12 Lock-On
268 127 Locks-On ([ML:icon icon=enh20 ]) to a target. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
269 12 Ether Drain
270 127 Absorbs ether ([ML:icon icon=enh13 ]) from enemies.
271 12 Double Wind
272 127 Increases tension when attack connects.
273 12 Mag Storm
274 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Mechon[/System:Color] suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
275 12 Shutdown
276 127 Attack inflicts Sleep ([ML:icon icon=enh38 ]). Clears [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Mechon[/System:Color] buff/debuff.
277 12 Air Fang
278 127 Attack inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
279 12 Power Drain
280 127 Drains strength ([ML:icon icon=enh11 ]) from enemies.
281 12 Guard Shift
282 127 Increases block rate but reduces attack power. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
283 12 Second Gear
284 127 Increases damage ([ML:icon icon=enh15 ]) from next physical Art used.
285 12 Final Cross
286 127 Forces Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) on enemies in front.
287 12 Thunder Flash
288 127 Deals ether damage.
289 12 Heal Bolt
290 127 Restores HP to one party member.
291 12 Hell Dive Claw
292 127 A combo attack that hits one enemy.
293 12 Hell Hound
294 127 Temporarily draws aggro from party in range.
295 12 Cross Ray
296 127 Deals physical damage.
297 12 Lost Ray
298 127 Deals a large amount of physical damage.
299 12 Buster
300 127 Increased damage against [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Mechon[/System:Color].
301 12 Enchant
302 127 Allows ordinary weapons to damage Mechon. ([ML:icon icon=enh02 ])
303 12 Activate Monado
304 127 Unleashes the power of the Monado. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
305 12 Doze Off
306 127 Reduces Talent Gauge build-up.
307 12 Healy Bullet
308 127 Restores HP to one party member.
309 12 Crackle Bullet
310 127 Two-hit combo. Critical against flying monsters.
311 12 Shield Kaclang
312 127 Grants Damage Immunity ([ML:icon icon=enh10 ]) to one party member.
313 12 Cure Thingamie
314 127 Grants Debuff Immunity ([ML:icon icon=enh14 ]) to one party member.
315 12 B-B-B-Boost
316 127 Reduces cooldown of Arts. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
317 12 Heal Kaboom
318 127 Greatly restores one party member's HP.
319 12 Heal Round-a-Round
320 127 Restores HP to all party members.
321 12 Noggin Shot
322 127 May inflict Instant Death on [System:Color name=arts_sp ]Dazed [/System:Color]([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) [System:Color name=arts_sp ]enemies[/System:Color].
323 12 'Ittle Blast
324 127 Attack inflicts Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
325 12 Aurorora Bullet
326 127 Extends duration of an active Aura.
327 12 Toasty-Hot Bullet
328 127 Raises tension of party members around target.
329 12 Egg Shaker
330 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on an enemy suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
331 12 Yoghurt Stance
332 127 Reduces aggro. Actions do not generate aggro. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
333 12 Healy Counter
334 127 Grants Damage Heal ([ML:icon icon=enh07 ]) to one party member.
335 12 Tranquilsnooze
336 127 Inflicts Sleep ([ML:icon icon=enh38 ]) on one enemy.
337 12 Curedy-Pure Round
338 127 Grants Debuff Immunity ([ML:icon icon=enh14 ]) to all party members.
339 12 Glad Taunt
340 127 Temporarily increases aggro.
341 12 Hammer Beat
342 127 Attacks and temporarily increases aggro.
343 12 Mild Down
344 127 Topples ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]) an enemy suffering Break ([ML:icon icon=enh36 ]).
345 12 Guard Sift
346 127 Block enemy attacks. Use again to deactivate.
347 12 Feather Swing
348 127 Fills Talent Gauge when attack connects.
349 12 Sword Drive
350 127 A single high-powered blow.
351 12 Berserker
352 127 Improves attack ([ML:icon icon=enh11 ]) but reduces phys. def. ([ML:icon icon=enh25 ]). ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
353 12 Shield Kersmash
354 127 Inflicts Daze ([ML:icon icon=enh39 ]) on an enemy suffering Topple ([ML:icon icon=enh37 ]).
355 12 Engage
356 127 Locks On ([ML:icon icon=enh20 ]) to the target. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
357 12 Last Stand
358 127 Restores HP just before Incapacitation. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
359 12 Hangry
360 127 Grants Spike; lowers phys. damage ([ML:icon icon=enh08 ]) and attack. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
361 12 Magnum Starch
362 127 Exchanges the Talent Gauge for Arts damage.
363 12 Bone Upper
364 127 Fills Talent Gauge when attack connects.
365 12 Chive Sobat
366 127 Paralysis ([ML:icon icon=enh18 ]). Lowers agility ([ML:icon icon=enh28 ]) [System:Color name=arts_sp ]after Bone Upper[/System:Color].
367 12 Aura Toast
368 127 Attack inflicts Strength Down ([ML:icon icon=enh27 ]) debuff.
369 12 Anchor Chain
370 127 Protects against Knock-Back and Blow-Down. ([ML:icon icon=enh35 ])
371 12 Lariat
372 127 Attacks multiple enemies in front.